Look at it! Bask in its wonder! The Captain Britain Omnibus is REAL.
Although, I should add, that this is NOT my copy. This photo was taken in Forbidden Planet, Coventry, on Saturday morning. So if anybody is in the Coventry/Warwickshire area right now, you might be able to get your hands on a copy for 65 of your Earth pounds...
My copy? Well (as a few disgruntled people on Comic Book Resources' Marvel Universe forum have also been discussing) I pre-ordered my copy from Amazon. Despite the book having been released on Thursday in the UK the delivery estimate Amazon give me is now August.
I am not amused.
But at least I should get it, and for a £10 discount.
So far I've had 5 people reporting having bought a copy. Not bad going.
Sorry to those of you who have dropped by this morning looking for the latest Marvel UK A to Z article. That will be along in due course. I move house (Hopefully) in 3 weeks. My present house is currently in chaos and boxes, making getting to my archive a wee pit difficult.
It'll be along just as soon it can.
Woohoo!! I will be getting mine next week in the mail. Can't wait to get this book! I got the cover that featured his costume from the Excalibur days. Anyone get the other cover? If I can find another copy cheap, I'm going to get it.